When Aging Gets Complicated
- Stress
- Caregiver burn-out
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Depression
- Anxiety and worry
- Not enough time in a day
- Feeling like it’s all too much, that you just can’t do it any longer, or that it’s too difficult to cope
- Develop healthy coping strategies
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Find ways to manage burn-out
- Identify what’s at the core of your concerns or stressors
- Explore a safe space for sharing what’s really on your mind
You don’t have to go through this alone.
Hi, I’m Dr. Todd Finnemore!
With over a decade of experience as a Clinical Geropsycholgist—helping older persons and their families maintain well-being, overcome problems, and experience quality of life as they age—I’m a big believer that having a kind, empathetic, safe, and reliable space is key to healing the habits of the heart, mind, and body.
One of my greatest joys is helping the ‘Sandwich Generation’ navigate the tricky and emotionally draining challenges that often accompany moving into a caregiver role, or helping an aging parent manage their own journey into aging.

“A little compassion: a little relief. Great compassion: great relief.”
-Dr Finnemore
Personally and professionally, I rely on evidence-based contemporary psychological science and psychoanalytic, as well as Theravada Buddhism and the practices of Tai Chi and Qigong as the main models for health, well-being, and human happiness. Remember, the heart is more than a muscle, and the mind is more than a brain. I look forward to working with you!