When Aging Gets Complicated
Psychotherapy, Capacity Assessments, and Family Consultations
It’s possible to feel more security and less stress as you or your loved one adjusts to the natural course of life.
As we age, our minds, bodies and hearts age with us. Sometimes we need new ways to face life's changes: our partners may no longer be with us in the way they once were, our bodies may be functioning differently, we may take on the role of caregiver. I'm here to help.
As our parents and partners age, our role often shifts to that of caregiver. At some point, it can seem like too much to manage. I offer psychotherapy and family consultations to support movement into a new stage of life with grace and ease.
Capacity Assessment
I provide decision-making capacity evaluations to clarify functioning for people undergoing cognitive changes. I specialize in assessing financial, medical, independent living, or testamentary decision making.
Feel less stressed and more secure as you or your loved one adjusts to the natural course of life.
If recent or long term changes have felt too big lately, you’re not alone. It’s natural to feel stressed, confused, or even depressed by the internal and external changes that take place as we and our loved ones grow older.
This is why my priority is to hold a kind, safe, and reliable space to explore what’s in your heart and mind and help you navigate these new experiences. My aim is to get to know you y, for who you are and the changes in your life, so we can openly reflect upon and address what’s causing distress.
"Being known and understood with kindness allows for thoughts, feelings, and distress to relax and heal."
-Dr. Todd Finnemore
Hi, I’m Dr. Todd Finnemore!
Our hearts and minds develop through relationships. Family dynamics and cultural context layer into our long term habits. This is why, when our loved ones are distressed, we may feel distress ourselves.
It’s also why you’re here!
Caring about and seeking support for someone is a beautiful thing. And yes, that someone can be you!
I rely on evidence-based contemporary psychological science including psychoanalytic psychotherapy, as well as Theravada Buddhism and the practices of Tai Chi and Qigong as the main models for health, well-being, and happiness.
I welcome a conversation.

Education and specialty training
- Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies
- Embedded Team Member, Sonoma County Adult Protective Services
- Clinical Geropsychologist in Private Practice
- Forensic Geropsychologist, Court Appointed Evaluator
- Clinical Geropsychologist, Primary Care, West County Health Centers
- Interim Director of Behavioral Health, Primary Care: Petaluma Health Center
- Clinical Lead, Archstone Foundation Collaborative Care for Elder Depression
- Expert Witness, Sonoma County Deputy District Attorney
- Unit Psychologist, Napa State Hospital